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howtoplay [2024/09/20 06:29] – created pokeresorthowtoplay [2024/09/20 22:45] (current) – Created by Cosmic pokeresort
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-Our server has an official Technic Launcher Modpack you can download here:  [[http://modpack.pokeresort.com/|PokeResort Technic Modpack]] +<WRAP centeralign> 
- +<fs x-large>Our server has an official Technic Launcher Modpack you can download here: [[http://modpack.pokeresort.com/|PokeResort Technic Modpack]]</fs> 
-**Please make sure you have Java 17 installed on your PC. If you do not have Java 17 installed, please make sure to UNINSTALL YOUR CURRENT VERSION and then install Java 17 here:**+\\ 
 +<fs large>It is recommended to set your Technic Launcher memory setting to a minimum 3GB for the best quality experience.</fs> 
 +**<fs large>Please make sure you have Java 17 installed on your PC. If you do not have Java 17 installed, please make sure to UNINSTALL YOUR CURRENT VERSION and then install Java 17 here:</fs>**
 [[https://www.java.com/en/download/manual.jsp|Java 17 Download]] [[https://www.java.com/en/download/manual.jsp|Java 17 Download]]
 If you need assistance with installation, or have any questions of any kind, please contact us on [[https://discord.gg/ee9mbwkd|our Discord]]. If you need assistance with installation, or have any questions of any kind, please contact us on [[https://discord.gg/ee9mbwkd|our Discord]].
 +<WRAP centeralign>
 +**<fs x-large>Tutorial Video on Installing the Modpack:</fs>**
 +{{ youtube>QhOG7b4R6YA?large }}
 +<WRAP centeralign>
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