This is an old revision of the document!
Default Keybinds
H: Toggle night-vision
Z: Zoom
↑/↓: change selected Pokémon
R: Send or retrieve selected Pokémon
O: Toggle party overlay
M: View party information
Y: Mini-map settings
B: Enlarge mini-map
J: View full map
U: Waypoint menu
L: View advancements. Cobblemon has custom additions.
P: View player list with blocked and hidden players
Guest Commands
Everyone has access to these commands.
/afk: Enables/disables the AFK indicator.
/arena: Teleports the user to the arena.
/back: Teleports the user to their last home or RTP location.
/balance or /bal: Displays the ResortCASH balance of the user.
/baltop: Displays the ten richest players in PokeResort and their balances.
/casino: Teleports the user to the casino.
/chestshop: Opens the UI for managing chest shops. Funds can be claimed here.
/claim or /flan menu: Opens the Flan UI if the user is standing in their claim. A claim can have its permissions edited and be deleted.
/cobblemon: Displays the version details for Cobblemon.
/delhome <name>: Deletes the home of the specified name.
/discord: Sends an invite to the official PokeResort Discord server.
/disposal or /trash: Opens the trash UI. Deposited items are permanently deleted when the interface is closed.
/dojo: Teleports the user to the training dojo.
/editclaim: Allows the user to change the dimensions of their claim.
/end: Teleports the user to the End.
/flan deleteall: Deletes all of the player’s claims.
/flan deleteallsubclaims: Deletes all of the player’s subclaims.
/flan deletesubclaim: Deletes the subclaim the player is standing in.
/gts: Opens the Global Trading Station UI. Pokémon and items can be purchased and sold.
/help: Displays every single command.
/history: Opens a book showing the player’s punishment history.
/home <name>: Teleports the player to their home. A name can be specified if a player has more than one home to teleport to.
/homelist or /homes: Displays a list of all the user’s homes. Click a home name to view its information and management settings.
/ignore <username>: Enables the ignoring of the specified player. No private messages from that person will be seen until they are unignored.
/ignorelist: Displays a list of all players currently being ignored.
/kit claim <name>: Claims a kit of the specified name. If the user’s inventory is full, the excess items fall on the ground.
/kits: Opens the kits UI. It displays every available kit. Click an icon to redeem the kit (if available).
/lab: Teleports the user to the laboratory.
/message, /msg, /tell, /w, or /whisper <username> <message>: The player specified will privately receive the message provided.
/modpack: Links the official PokeResort modepack.
/near: Lists players that are nearby and their distance from the user.
/nether: Teleports the user to the Nether.
/pay <amount> <username>: Pays the specified player the amount requested.
/pcenter or /pokecenter: Teleports the user to the Pokemon Center.
/phome, /publichome, /phomelist, /phomes, or /publichomelist: Displays a list of all public homes. Click a name to teleport there.
/playtime <name>: Displays the playtime of the user. If a username is specified, displays that player’s playtime.
/pvp <false/true>: Sets the user’s PvP status to true or false.
/rampage: Displays the time until the next entity clear.
/rtp or /randomteleport: Randomly teleports the player somewhere in the world. Cannot be used to leave spawn - use the RTP cave instead.
/reply <message>: A shortcut to reply to a private message.
/rules: Displays the server rules.
/seen <username>: Displays whether the specified player is currently online. If they are not online, it states the last time they were.
/sethome <name>: Sets a home of the specified name at the user’s current location. If a name is not specified, the home is named “home”.
/sit: Seats the user on a nearby half-slab or stair block.
/spawn: Teleports the user to the spawn.
/stats: Displays the stats GUI for the user’s active party.
/teammsg or /tm <message>: Sends the user’s team a message only they can see.
/tpa <username>: Sends a request to the specified player asking if the user can teleport to their location.
/tpaaccept, /tpaccept, or /tpyes <username>: Accepts any received teleport requests. If a username is specified, it accepts that player’s request.
/tpahere <username>: Sends a request to the specified player asking if they can teleport to the user’s location.
/tpdecline, /tpdeny, /tpignore, or /tpno <username>: Declines any received teleport requests. If a username is specified, it declines that player’s request.
/unignore <username>: Disables the ignoring of the specified player. Chat messages from that person will be seen again.
/vote: Provides the voting links, which can reward players for voting.
/warp <name>: Warps the user to the specified warp.
/warplist: Displays a list of all warps.
/zoomify: Shows the Zoomify menu, where the user can change their zoom settings.
Silver Commands
Silver ranks and above have access to these commands and additional features.
/kits: Access to the Silver Kit.
/pc: Opens the PC interface.
/pheal or /pokeheal: Fully heals the active party.
Gold Commands
Gold ranks and above have access to these commands and additional features.
/kits: Access to the Gold Kit.
/fly: Toggles flight.
Diamond Commands
Diamond ranks and above have access to these commands and additional features.
/anvil: Opens the anvil interface.
/craft or /workbench: Opens the crafting table interface.
/ec, /echest, or /enderchest: Opens the enderchest interface.
/grindstone: Opens the grindstone interface.
/kits: Access to the Diamond Kit.
/stonecutter: Opens the stonecutter interface.
Elite Commands
Elite ranks and above have access to these commands and additional features.
/hat: The currently held item becomes a hat.
/kits: Access to the Elite Kit.
/nick set or /nickname set <name>: Sets a display name to be shown in chat. Cannot be coloured.
/nick clear or /nickname clear: Removes the set nickname.
Master Commands
Master ranks and above have access to these commands and additional features.
No teleport cooldown for /rtp, /home, etc.
/kits: Access to the Master Kit.
/nickname: Nickname can now be coloured, formatted as <aqua>Name.
Legend Commands
Legend ranks have access to these commands and additional features.
/kits: Access to the Legend Kit.
/repair: The currently held tool is repaired at no cost.
/nickname: Nickname can now use RGB and hex codes to colour, formatted as <#000000>Name.